Google CEO Sundar Pichai has confirmed that the company will vigorously contest a recent antitrust ruling. In an interview with Bloomberg, Pichai expressed his disagreement with the judge’s decision and shared the company’s plans for an extended legal fight. This is reportedly the first time Pichai has spoken publicly about the search engine antitrust case since Department of Justice prosecutors submitted their proposed remedies.
“Given our scale and size, I believe scrutiny is unavoidable,” Pichai told host David Rubenstein.
“Google is the leading search engine in the world, and even our competitors acknowledge that,” Pichai said.
The ruling, which branded Google as a “monopolist,” has been a major blow to the tech giant. However, Pichai stressed that Google’s success stems from innovation, with competitors recognizing its dominance in the search engine industry.
“We’re still in the midst of the remedies phase, and we will appeal, with this process likely spanning several years,” Pichai stated.
Despite the ruling, Google plans to maintain its normal operations. The company will closely monitor the ongoing remedies phase and present its own proposals to the court.
The antitrust case against Google has garnered widespread attention from both the tech sector and the general public. It is viewed as a landmark case with potential implications for other major tech companies.