The stand-up comedian Kunal Kamra has once again attacked Ola CEO Bhavish Aggarwal in their continuing internet spat about the company’s goods. Agarwal posted a video of himself riding the Ola Roadster, the newest model from Ola Electric, as the “future of motorcycling” on Tuesday.
With his wife Rajalakshmi Aggarwal sitting behind him, Aggarwal was seen in the video riding the electric car out of an Ola showroom. “After riding the @OlaElectric Roadster, I’m ecstatic! He said, “I can’t wait for you all to experience it.”
In response to the footage, Kamra denounced the Ola CEO as a “thug” and a “shameless, insensitive douchebag” in a furious message.
“Among the new business thugs, he is the most blatant, disrespectful person you will ever encounter. “He’s here with new schemes to embezzle people of their hard-earned money,” the comic added, failing to address the cries of current clients.
Kamra went on to say that Aggarwal was “morally more bankrupt than thieves & drug dealers” in another tirade. As of now, the Ola CEO has not responded to the remarks.
In October, Kunal Kamra and Bhavish Aggarwal started a spat that swiftly escalated into a verbal altercation when the comedian voiced concerns about Ola Electric’s product problems and after-sales support.
It all started when Kamra posted a photo of a large number of unserviced Ola Electric scooters in response to a post highlighting Ola’s gigafactory. In response, Aggarwal called Kamra a “failed stand-up comic” and implied that his post was “paid.” He also insisted that Ola Electric is growing its service network in order to clear backlogs.
Ola has been the target of public criticism for the past few months, particularly from its customers who have voiced their dissatisfaction with the company’s subpar after-sales support and low-quality cars.