Bharti Airtel has announced that Shashwat Sharma, currently Chief Operating Officer, will step into the roles of Managing Director and CEO, effective January 1, 2026.
On this date, current MD and CEO Gopal Vittal will transition to the position of Executive Vice Chairman.
“To prepare for this transition, Sharma has been appointed as the CEO designate. In this role, Shashwat will oversee the entire end-to-end consumer business. Gopal Vittal will mentor and guide Shashwat as he prepares to assume his responsibilities as MD & CEO of Bharti Airtel Ltd,” stated the telecom giant.
Vittal has served as Bharti Airtel’s MD & CEO for twelve years, during which the company has expanded across mobile, B2B, home broadband, DTH, and digital services. Despite the competitive mobile sector, Airtel’s revenue market share rose from 30% to 40%. The company has also established a resilient organization with a highly skilled talent pool, advanced digital capabilities, and a strong value-driven culture. This growth is reflected in a five-fold increase in Airtel’s market capitalization, now exceeding $100 billion.
As part of the succession plan, Vittal will also serve as Vice Chairman of Bharti Airtel Ltd. In this role, while leading the India business, he will take on broader group responsibilities, including joining the Board of Airtel Africa Plc to provide strategic direction. He will also drive synergies in network strategy, digital and technology initiatives, procurement, and talent across the group.